Preventive Care: The Key to Good Health and Disease Prevention Expat Health blog

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Preventive Care: The Key to Good Health and Disease Prevention

Preventive Care: The Key to Good Health and Disease Prevention

Preventive care is an essential aspect of healthcare that aims to maintain good health and prevent the onset of diseases or conditions. It involves measures taken to prevent illness or injury before they occur or become more serious. Preventive care can include screenings, immunizations, counseling on healthy lifestyles, and early detection and management of chronic diseases. By focusing on prevention, individuals can improve their overall health and reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

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The Healthcare Continuum


Preventive care can differ from country to country due to variations in healthcare systems, cultural beliefs, and socioeconomic factors. In some countries, preventive care may be more accessible and affordable, with robust public health programs and a strong emphasis on preventive measures.

For instance, in some Asian countries like Singapore and Japan, regular health screenings are encouraged and often subsidized by the government. Similarly, in Australia and Europe, various initiatives and strategies aim to improve overall health and reduce the impact of already existing health issues. For example, in the UK, all individuals aged 40 to 70 years are entitled to free health check-ups to assess the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, and dementia. The country has also launched a strategy that promotes healthier eating habits and increased physical activity to reduce childhood obesity rates. As part of the same strategy, the government has introduced a sugar tax on sugary drinks and restricted junk food advertising to children. In Australia, immunization for highly deadly meningococcal disease is provided free of charge.

On the other hand, preventive care in the US is often driven by private insurance companies, which may cover preventive services but at varying levels of coverage depending on the policy. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has mandated that many preventive services be covered without cost-sharing, including cancer screenings, immunizations, and some preventive medications. However, access to preventive care can be a challenge for some individuals due to lack of insurance coverage, high out-of-pocket costs, or limited access to healthcare providers.

Preventive care in the Middle East varies from country to country and depends on the healthcare system in place. However, in general, preventive care in the Middle East focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Many countries in the Middle East have launched campaigns to promote healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and tobacco cessation. For example, in the United Arab Emirates, the government has implemented a comprehensive wellness program, which includes health screenings, healthy eating initiatives, and fitness challenges.

Preventive care in the Middle East also focuses on vaccination programs to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as polio, measles, and hepatitis B. In many countries, these vaccinations are provided free of charge to citizens and residents. However, preventive cancer screenings, blood tests, cardiovascular disease screening, etc., are not accessible and affordable to all expats. In the majority of cases, they depend on the coverage of the insurance policy.

It is important to take regular checkups to identify health issues on time before they become more serious. Consult your doctor for an individual approach based on your previous history and your family history. Adopt regular habits of healthy food choices and exercise. Be aware of pollution and high temperatures and avoid potential sun damage.

GCC healthcare news:

UAE: Dubai Hills-based King's College Hospital (KCH) has partnered with Oracle Cerner on deploying a cloud platform, providing patients with seamless access to health information and care across several markets.

OMN: The foundation stone for the new Dialysis Centre in Sur Hospital was laid on March 29. Upon completion, the Centre will serve the approximately 67,000 inhabitants of the Governorate of Sur with 30 state-of-the-art dialysis beds.


  • World Health Organization. (2021). Preventive care.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Preventive care saves lives.
  • UK National Health Service. (2021). Health checks.
  • Australian Government Department of Health. (2022). Immunization.