Expat Health blog

Posts from Zorana Stranzinger, BMSc, MBA

Zorana is ICU nurse by profession – and driven by passion for medicine. Having worked in different healthcare systems across Europe and the Middle East, she did her dissertation on the perception of quality of healthcare in Dubai in 2020. She has lived the expat life for some eight years, is married and a mother of twin sisters.

Navigating the Festive Frenzy: A Health-Conscious Guide to Christmas Celebrations

Navigating the Festive Frenzy: A Health-Conscious Guide to Christmas Celebrations

'Tis the season to be jolly, but let's be real, it's also the season to indulge in some…

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Navigating the Healthcare Maze Abroad: The Thrilling Quest for Quality Care and the Perfect Insurance Shield

Navigating the Healthcare Maze Abroad: The Thrilling Quest for Quality Care and the Perfect Insurance Shield

Embarking on an international adventure is thrilling, but ensuring your well-being in a…

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Breaking Barriers: How Digital Health is Transforming Expatriate Healthcare

Breaking Barriers: How Digital Health is Transforming Expatriate Healthcare

In the ever-shifting landscape of expatriate living, the quest for accessible and…

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Unveiling the Silent Struggle: Expatriates Confront Mental Health Challenges Abroad

Unveiling the Silent Struggle: Expatriates Confront Mental Health Challenges Abroad

Embarking on the expatriate journey is often painted as an exhilarating escapade, a…

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