Expat Health in GCC Expat Health blog

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Expat Health in GCC

Expat Health in GCC

As the Middle East continues to attract a large number of expats, healthcare is a significant concern for many individuals and families. Navigating the healthcare systems as an expat can be challenging, so it seems worth to start off with a high-level description of healthcare in the Middle East, including systems, insurances, and tips for expats on how to receive the best healthcare services.

The Healthcare Systems in the Middle East

The Middle East has diverse healthcare systems, with both private and public facilities. Public facilities are usually operated by the government, while private facilities are owned by private companies or individuals. While the quality of healthcare varies across the region, most countries have modern medical facilities that are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed with qualified medical professionals.

One of the main challenges for expats is navigating the particular healthcare system in their country of residence, as it can be complex and confusing. You should research the healthcare system and understand the different types of healthcare facilities available. In some cases, expats may need to rely on private healthcare facilities as public healthcare may either not be available or may have long waiting times.

As an example: According to a study performed in 2020, less than 50% of expats in Dubai feel ‘well cared for’ when it comes to diagnostics and medication. The good news: There is a lot you can do about it – and we will dig deeper into this topic in one of the next blog articles.


Stranzinger, Z., 2020. Perception of Healthcare in Dubai. Dissertation

Insurance for Expats

Expats in the Middle East are typically required to have health insurance as part of their residency or employment visas. Employers widely provide health insurance as part of their employment package, while self-employed or freelancing expats are required to purchase their own insurance. Anyways it is essential for expats to understand their insurance coverage and the services that are included in their policy.

When choosing your insurance policy, you should consider the level of coverage you require and the cost of the policy. It is also important to understand the insurance providers’ networks and network restrictions, so that you can receive medical treatment easily whenever you need it.

Tips for Expats to Receive the best Healthcare Services

Here are some tips for you on how to receive the best healthcare services in the Middle East:

  1. Be aware of potential language barriers. All facilities have English-speaking staff – but think about the proficiency level. Communication is key when receiving medical treatment.
  2. Research healthcare facilities before choosing one: Be aware of the healthcare facilities in your area and read reviews from other expats to details. This will help you choose a facility that has a good reputation and provides high-quality medical treatment.
  3. Check the qualifications of medical professionals: Ensure that your doctor or specialist has the necessary qualifications and experience.
  4. Consider cultural differences: Just as an example, some cultures do have a different attitude towards pain medication or certain medical procedures, compared to numerous typical countries of origin of Middle East expats.

In conclusion, expat healthcare in the Middle East can be complex, but with the right research and preparation, you will receive high-quality medical treatment. It is important to understand the healthcare system, choose the right insurance policy, and follow the tips above to receive the best possible services.

GCC healthcare news:

UAE: HealthHub Clinics by Al-Futtaim and GlaxoSmithKine (GSK) have agreed on establishing a healthy aging program across the UAE.

UAE: The Zayed Higher Organization for People with Determination (ZHD) and the Abu Dhabi Healthcare Company (SEHA) have deepened their cooperation on preventive and curative services.

QAT: Qatar's Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) has launched the Screen for Life campaign for early cancer detection.